>>> First and foremost, our clients are the developers.
> No, they're not. Your clients are the people who pay you money. The companies pay you money, then you pay the developers money. The developers are your vendors.
What would be the big problem with the money going directly to the developers, and then the agency billing them for their agent-y services? Presumably, the agency could just help the developers create a a Limited Partnership or something, consisting only of the developers; the clients would pay that LP, and the agency would bill that LP.
> No, they're not. Your clients are the people who pay you money. The companies pay you money, then you pay the developers money. The developers are your vendors.
What would be the big problem with the money going directly to the developers, and then the agency billing them for their agent-y services? Presumably, the agency could just help the developers create a a Limited Partnership or something, consisting only of the developers; the clients would pay that LP, and the agency would bill that LP.