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Your point is well taken but there have also been a number of things that did not feel incremental to me when introduced to them. Google, DSL/Cable providers, Napster, iPhone, YouTube, and Bitcoin all felt like big jumps.

Also wikipedia, stack overflow, multicore processors (no more having your system lock up on most heavy tasks), git versus svn/cvs. Lots of technological advances that improved things greatly. Just takes some additional thinking to recall what those things are.

I still recall going from a single core AMD to an Intel q6600 quad core CPU and thinking how amazing it was that I did not have to worry about my entire CPU locking up on one bad app going bonkers and eating 100% of the CPU. It became possible to have an app crash and max out a core and not even notice it immediately. Even when OSs and apps did not do mult-core processing overly well, I still manually set the affinity to most heavy apps so they were isolated to their own cores.

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