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That's kind of exactly it, I think.

I don't know anything about the Infancy Gospel other than what I just read in that Wikipedia article, but I'm familiar with two old ballads that are right along the same lines:

"Cherry Tree Carol": Joseph is being mean to the pregnant Mary because he's not the father, so Jesus speaks up from the womb and commands a cherry tree to bend over for Mary so she can pluck cherries without reaching. Then Jesus (after being born) prophecies his own death. http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/child/ch054.htm

"Bitter Withy": Three "young lords' sons" won't play ball with little Jesus because he is poor, so he builds a bridge of light and walks it; when they try to follow him they fall and drown. Their mothers complain to Mary, and she spanks him with withy branches. He then curses the tree. http://mainlynorfolk.info/lloyd/songs/thebitterwithy.html

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