The following are the top four schools in CS in the US, and honestly the world. MIT, Stanford, CMU (Carnegie Mellon), and Berkeley.
If you change your mind about what you want to do Yale is a better choice for more or less everything else, and it's not like your undergraduate education will be subpar there. I know a guy here in Shanghai who does more reading about design than most Art or Design students while being a very, very serious business student.
Seriously, if you have not at least worked your way through all of Concrete Mathematics already, and liked it, Yale is a better option.
If you change your mind about what you want to do Yale is a better choice for more or less everything else, and it's not like your undergraduate education will be subpar there. I know a guy here in Shanghai who does more reading about design than most Art or Design students while being a very, very serious business student.
Seriously, if you have not at least worked your way through all of Concrete Mathematics already, and liked it, Yale is a better option.