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I think your viewpoint is unduly pessimistic. Yes, if you're a Java programmer at a BigCorp, you can be making considerably more than a programmer at a startup. But a programmer at a startup is still making considerably more than average income in this country. Yes, some startups are badly managed and burn out their employees. But I've seen plenty of death marches at BigCorps - witness the tales of terror from the game industry especially.

In the end it's up to you to judge the company for both human and career aspects, and to choose wisely who you work for. In ten years of working in the bay area, I have not regretted working for startups once. In short - mileage will vary.

I'm merely balancing out the unduly optimistic powerpoint slides.

He actually devotes a few slides to picking the right company (the part about the company being a burning money pit or whatever). I think you're reading a whole lot of optimism that isn't there.

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