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Django 1.5.1 released (djangoproject.com)
105 points by martey on March 28, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I fired it up earlier today after not having tried Django for a while and was disappointed to see it's still pretty annoying to get MySQL working with Python 3 via Django. After installing a non-standard build of MySQL for Python ( https://github.com/davispuh/MySQL-for-Python-3 ) django/db/backends/mysql/base.py needs to be patched to be made compatible with Python 3 (only about three lines of code need to be changed). Unfortunately, no official documentation seems to exist on this and it took me about an hour of scanning various forums to figure it out. The Python 3 support appears to work flawlessly once you iron out the kinks and I'm looking forward to seeing Django continue to improve!

MySQL on Python 3 is a bit of a mess at the moment just in general. SQLite and PostgreSQL are both in good shape, though.

Do you happen to know of any issues beyond what I encountered setting it up? It seems to work perfectly at the moment but I'd consider switching to a different DB if continuing with MySQL is going to cause me headaches later on.

To be honest, I'd recommend making the jump to Postgres as soon as you can. There are just too many reasons why MySQL is not worth ir right now (Oracle owning it, still have to trade off between data integrity and referential integrity when selecting a storage, etc.) and Postgres gets simpler and simpler with each release.

At first I found the tools confusing and some of the concepts (like schemas, sequences and the user model) a bit over the top for what I needed. Now that I've gotten used to the Postgres way of doing things, none of it bothers me in the least and working with Postgres has become as second nature as working with MySQL was.

The general complaint I've heard is that there really is no mature, stable adapter for MySQL on Python 3. Which causes a cascade of problems with supporting it in other tools.

Out of curiosity, why not PostgreSQL?

I was actually working on a Raspberry Pi (fantastic for having multiple SD cards configured to run different web frameworks) so PostgreSQL seemed like overkill. If I ever decided to put something I wrote into production I would definitely use PostgreSQL.

I'm using Django for a project and it's working great so far. The admin module is incredibly powerful!

I'm really excited to see them focusing on security issues, which is the main reason I used Django over a DIY framework. The faster release cycle is also good to hear about!

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