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Except that you can't save your game...

Still, it's a useful mod for people who have unstable connections. You can also mod the UI to link a rarely button used button to "Sync", so that you save at will.

Not true. The actual Reddit[1,2] posts the article pulls this from says they have been able to sync their game to the servers. It seems that when offline, it saves it locally and uploads upon reconnect. He was able to remove the 20 minute timeout disconnect, but it still saves things locally and uploads upon reconnect.

1. http://www.reddit.com/r/SimCity/comments/1a9n5j/you_can_edit...

2. http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1a9t0e/simcity_modder...

Save state in a VM?

On Linux there are "process freezers" that work pretty well for simple applications. I wonder if Windows has anything like that...?

Can you list some of those? I've always wanted to implement a "Save State" driver for Windows, but since I use Linux now, it's nice to know such things already exist.

The ones I know are listed on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_checkpointing

Then you still have to hope that the program doesn't have any minor resource leaks that become big leaks when the process has run for a hundred hours...

Is the game really that good?

Knowing Reddit, and knowing gamers, at this point this is mostly a big "fuck you" exercise towards EA.

I've been fucking off EA for decades by not buying their games and going outside instead. It's great, I can strongly recommend it.

It doesn't totally fix the traffic pathfinding problems though.

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