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Another science news that will be disconfirmed in 1-2 days?

No, this one is actual science, this time it's not from some dubious guy with a philosophical agenda.

"Finding" the Higgs is a prolonged statistical process involving tons of data that need to be crunched and the experiment itself also needs to run for a long time in order to yield this data. Physicists have been talking about a strong signal indicating the existence of the Higgs for quite a while now, so its existence has not really in question for some time. The problem with continuous and statistical analyses then becomes: when do you actually announce you found the damn thing? That's why it has been announced several times (and probably will be a few times more).

But it's real.

It would have been surprising, but way more exciting, if the Higgs didn't exist.

I was hoping that the neutrinos were actually going faster than light. Confirming established theories is boring, but breaking them is exciting.

Since there's no pharmaceutical company backing this study I dare to say it's pretty solid.

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