They didn't say why Ruby was using a lot of CPU either. Some basic investigation into the root cause might've revealed some intractable problems that are tied to Ruby (or at least the MRI interpreter) like long GC pauses (something which can be mitigated by going to a different interpreter like JRuby versus a complete rewrite in a different language)
Instead, it's "OMG we're maxing out CPU, time to completely rewrite our app in a different language"
And how big is this app that it needs 30 servers? We probably serve an order of magnitude of traffic where I work than these guys do (just guessing) and don't need that many.
Instead, it's "OMG we're maxing out CPU, time to completely rewrite our app in a different language"
And how big is this app that it needs 30 servers? We probably serve an order of magnitude of traffic where I work than these guys do (just guessing) and don't need that many.