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It's really tiring to see what the Spolsky and Atwood offsprings are coming up with...

It's nearly always the same "idea": try to prevent users from having opinions and individuality.

Atwood's discourse.org was supposed to be the "next generation of forums because the current forum aren't civilized enough": people supposedly aren't "civilized" enough to be able to have their own forums. No, one should use a forum engine made for and by control freaks that shall enforce civilized discourses.

Now this Kiln Harmony thing is supposed to "end the flamewar" between git/hg: people are allowed to have their own preferences anymore. Everybody is going to "win" because they'd be using the system created by and for control freaks.

And StackOverflow is preventing individuality and allowing a few control freaks to reign king and decided what kind of thoughts people are allowed to have.

In other words these guys think they've identified a "problem": individuality and personal opinions. And they think they have a "solution": control.

Interestingly enough when I just entered discourse.org to see how that one is catching up it seems to be the better ranked in... The republic of China! (no kidding here).

Which is normal: control freaks are going to love software restricting choices and individuality.

But I love my freedom. I love individuality and I think everyone should be free, including free to chose and say why they prefer hg over git or vice-versa.

So their "solutions" (discourse.org, Kiln Harmony) aren't going to be the "next gen anything" because there are too many individuals who value their individuality.

Oh and, and even though I was an early hg adopter, I have to admit that git (and github) won big times.

It's as if they realized they didn't bet on the correct horse (inherent qualities aside, I'm purely talking about market share here) and that hence they've been "owned" by people pointing out to them that git / github was winning. It's an argument they couldn't win: there's no way hg is as succesful as Git (once again: I haven't switched yet to git... I'm a long time hg user but I have to admit defeat here). So because they couldn't admit that they were wrong they decided to create an utterly complicated solution: "To put an end to the flamewar".

I really hate the Spolsky and Atwood of this world because to me they love dictatorship.

I'm for freedom and individuality, not for control freaks trying to decide how people should think / talk / code / use DVCSes etc.

And thankfully there are way enough people like me so that these control freaks are never going to win.

Even SO is going to be replaced the day something less bent on dictatorship comes along.

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