"So then the decision came down to which language to use."
I find this tendency to constantly jackknife between talking about languages and talking about frameworks a little dizzying.
Shouldn't the decision have been what web stack to use? I'm sure you could get half way there with a bespoke Ruby web stack, maybe built on top of JRuby or with a sprinkling of C extensions. You could get the same poor scalability with some badly designed framework on top of Go [1].
There's a lack of meat in the post (hence why people are calling it out as PR). How do these features of Go make it easier to write applications or frameworks that cater to this particular scalability need? Could extra effort be put in up front to get something similar out of Ruby or any of the other languages, or will they always be sub-par? What is it about Go that makes it light up the rest of the stack in a way other languages don't?
Or have you just traded one trendy technology for another because it promises to be the magic bullet for your current itch?
I find this tendency to constantly jackknife between talking about languages and talking about frameworks a little dizzying.
Shouldn't the decision have been what web stack to use? I'm sure you could get half way there with a bespoke Ruby web stack, maybe built on top of JRuby or with a sprinkling of C extensions. You could get the same poor scalability with some badly designed framework on top of Go [1].
There's a lack of meat in the post (hence why people are calling it out as PR). How do these features of Go make it easier to write applications or frameworks that cater to this particular scalability need? Could extra effort be put in up front to get something similar out of Ruby or any of the other languages, or will they always be sub-par? What is it about Go that makes it light up the rest of the stack in a way other languages don't?
Or have you just traded one trendy technology for another because it promises to be the magic bullet for your current itch?
[1] This isn't saying Rails is badly designed.