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It seems like one's success in today's world is directly proportional to your ability to believe that all your elders are lying to you.

Rather than outright lying, much of it is due to the generation gap. Parents and other elders are just suggesting what worked for them. Doing everything right by being a good student, good worker, and good citizen was almost a surefire way to a successful, stable life until "Generation X" started to come of age.

That's a much better way of putting it.

But will people my age see it that way? Well-intentioned or not, it's still wrong. All that many of my friends see is that they do exactly what their parents said to - in some cases, spending years of their life for it - and they're doing worse than people who ignored it all and happened to get lucky.

Strange, I can't think of a single friend of mine who lived their lives according to what their parents wanted. Not one.

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