>> Q. How does Dart relate to Go?#
Dart and Go are both language projects started at Google, but they are independent and have different goals. As a result, they make different choices, and the languages have very different natures, even while we all try to learn from each others' work.
Don't want to bet the farm on what, do you mean Dart or Go sticking around? Go is used extensively through Google. It powers a significant DB layer that powers YouTube. It serves up all of Google's static downloads and several employees hint at other significant projects they can't speak about.
I've only dabbled in Dart, I can't speak to how vital it is, currently it only seems viable when translated to JS or when using in a server-side VM, which is certainly an option if you want.
(sorry, I originally had written Google where I meant YouTube, see "Vitess" for more info)
>> Q. How does Dart relate to Go?# Dart and Go are both language projects started at Google, but they are independent and have different goals. As a result, they make different choices, and the languages have very different natures, even while we all try to learn from each others' work.
Hmm, don't think I want to bet the farm on that.