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Show HN: sachet – handcraft your Vim environment online (yoursachet.com)
183 points by aam1r on March 8, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 35 comments

Good concept, this can become a marketplace to find and discover Vim plugins. You have moved one step ahead to easily install(but manage the same?)

Little feedback:

1. Add options to see what a developer just installed. I find it very interesting to see other's development environments, their workflows, history and .rc files.

2. Create a system where developers love to share their workflows, environments, history, vimrc, bashrc settings. Following and connecting with similar workflow developers would be cool.

Overall your first step is perfect!

Seconding step 2 -- vim environments, to vim-heavy developers, are a little like office spaces to me. Each has its perks; each person likes a different desk calendar; I like my door open and my coworker likes his closed.

It'd be awesome if you extended your site such that I could upload my vim configuration and plugins to share them with others -- and then discover someone who has done me one better!

So true. I'd love to try other people's recipe as a downloadable bundle.

If I could sign up and have it keep a history of downloads I made or save settings so I could go back and tweak my existing configuration that'd be wonderful.

+1, really awesome.

This is really a great creation, please allow people to submit (and vote) plugins, count my vim-seek in as soon as that is possible! I also second the parent's suggestions, making it a social experience would be amazing and a real boon to vim users everywhere.

Also allowing little functions and custom mappings that people have in their vimrc, in a more organized and social way than those vim tips websites do, would be awesome.

Great concept!

I'd suggest offering Vundle[0] as an alternative to Pathogen, or even replacing it altogether. I've found it to be a better system managing bundles by config in your vimrc and running :BundleInstall/Update/Remove/etc instead of git cloning into a bundle dir.

[0]: https://github.com/gmarik/vundle

Nice! Maby a small video preview or gif would help new users to understand what each plugin actually does? Links to the plugin sites would be great too, as they usually have documentation on them.

On the plugins page, I'd suggest adding links to the plugins themselves (whether that be a github repository or some other page) for more information about them.

Also I would move the description of the plugin to be under the title but above the photo. It took me a few seconds to find where the description was.

I notice that soft-tabs setting is a dropdown adjusting size. Does this not support a standard tab configuration?

Awesome tool. Seems super useful not only for new vim users.

Being a vim-pro, but using it for very specific tasks only, it always annoys the crap out of me, setting vim up with reasonable defaults on a new machine/OS.

One thing which I found missing from your nice selection of options is how vim handles the clipboard. Please let me choose (or include useful defaults if you have not done so already) how vim's internal clipboard interacts with the clipboard of the OS.

Sent a pull request for "set clipboard=unnamedplus": https://github.com/aam1r/sachet/pull/10

how about your dotfiles. I can bootstrap everything in new computer in one or two scripts :)

For OSX I have my vim files synced via Dropbox. But when you want to use vim on Windows or Linux you have to reconfigure quite a bit.

I love fiddling around with editor settings as much as the next guy. But when you have a specific task at hand and just want to quickly use vim then realising its not already set up. Copying configs and googling around to make them work in the current environment can become a very unwanted time sink.

I'm an OSX user, but I just created a repository (on Github) and anytime I add new plugins/configurations I try to commit those changes...as I spent a good deal of time customizing my setup at one point.

You could create one for Windows & one for Linux.

Yes, I also store my dotfiles in GitHub – https://github.com/roryokane/dotvim. To make installation on other computers easier, in the README, I list the shell commands to install the configuration for each OS. Installing my config is just a matter of copying and pasting those commands, and waiting for each command to finish.

Amix vimrc does pretty goob job at making it work cross platforms. https://github.com/amix/vimrc, you guys should check this out.

I have a pretty good vim setup with pathogen / git submodules: https://github.com/chris-ritsen/dotfiles For now, I have different branches setup for different systems. The build process is usually the same, install git / mercurial, python, ruby, then build vim, build commant-t.

I was on Windows while I saw this ... and took a few googling to find out what goes where to get it working in gVim (which I hardly use).

- "autoload" and "bundles" from "vim" folder in the downloaded archive should go inside "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles"

- rename the _vimrc in in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim" as _vimrc.old

- copy the vimrc from the downloaded archive as _vimrc into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim"

I just randomly discovered this similar site: http://vimrc.info/generate. It lets you choose to leave settings out of your file as well as turn them on or off, but it doesn’t include color schemes and plugins.

This is a nice effort. I'm probably in the tiny majority of people who have been using Vim for ~15 years but have never bothered with any customization or plugins (I'm also a philistine who uses the arrow keys for navigation).

I would argue you haven't actually used Vim then :)

So one has to have customized Vim to have actually used Vim :) ?

I read that as a reaction to the use of arrow keys.

Looks great! I just found a few plugins that I didn't know about yet.

Suggestion for future enhancement: You should add a script that we can run on the download page that downloads and installs the new configuration to our local machine. This would be especially helpful for installing on a remote machine, or even on a local machine. Something like:

wget http://url.com/newconfigurl.zip

unzip newconfigurl.zip

//Move files

I know this makes me some sort of monster but I'm disappointed in the lack of ability to have noexpandtab. Otherwise though, good tool, looks great.

I'm so happy you've done this; just a few weeks ago I was helping a friend who had just bought a new MBP set up their environment and I googled for this site but found nothing great, I was considering doing it myself. Great job!

This is cool. While VIM is not my main text editor I use it quite often and this is just the amount of configuration I needed. Thanks!

Finally I can disable syntax highlighting in vim!

People are still putting up Google+ buttons?

You have one on your blog, for example.

Yikes! I never put that there. Sneaky Google... disables navbar

Awesome tool man :D It's really convenience for new user to learn and use vim like pro :)

Great contribution to VIM community.

I thought about purchasing vimrc.it for nearly this exact purpose this morning. This is fantastic.

Now I just need something like this for Emacs :P Although I like Vim too, so I'll try it.

I'll second that, I would pay for something like this for emacs, the constant configuration and switching between linux/windows is pushing me to sublime text...

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