in which a university press office will hype a preliminary research finding, and then credulous news organizations will amplify the hype. The incentive to do this is gaining external funding for research projects and looking good to prospective students or faculty candidates.
The preliminary finding mentioned in the press release submitted here will take a lot more clinical research before we can be sure that this is safe and effective for human use.
That's been the usual experience here on Hacker News--gee-whiz press releases about breakthroughs submitted a few years ago end up not having any actual clinical safety or effectiveness as the preliminary findings are followed up by clinical trials. It's great to continue research on means of killing viruses or errant cells in human tissues, but it will be a long while, if ever, before this is a first-line defense against AIDS or any other health risk.
in which a university press office will hype a preliminary research finding, and then credulous news organizations will amplify the hype. The incentive to do this is gaining external funding for research projects and looking good to prospective students or faculty candidates.
The preliminary finding mentioned in the press release submitted here will take a lot more clinical research before we can be sure that this is safe and effective for human use.
That's been the usual experience here on Hacker News--gee-whiz press releases about breakthroughs submitted a few years ago end up not having any actual clinical safety or effectiveness as the preliminary findings are followed up by clinical trials. It's great to continue research on means of killing viruses or errant cells in human tissues, but it will be a long while, if ever, before this is a first-line defense against AIDS or any other health risk.