To me personally, thinking too much about exit strategies in an early phase startup seems like premature optimization. Thinking about what you're going to be doing after you sell a company that's just getting off the ground is bordering on mental autoerotica. It's like debating what you're going to do after you win a gold metal in the olympics when you've just started training. There's so much ground to cover between here and there that it'd be better to focus on making sure you qualify.
To me personally, thinking too much about exit strategies in an early phase startup seems like premature optimization. Thinking about what you're going to be doing after you sell a company that's just getting off the ground is bordering on mental autoerotica. It's like debating what you're going to do after you win a gold metal in the olympics when you've just started training. There's so much ground to cover between here and there that it'd be better to focus on making sure you qualify.