Yeah I only submitted it because I thought it was cool that YC landed in Fast Company (I'm a subscriber). And I didn't expect to see Paul, Trevor and Jessica while in my porcelain office yesterday.
Well judging from the pg's 8 months pregnant comment, it would place it (the photo at least) 3 months ago... Which would have been before the announcement.
(Although, when I said schools, I mean it's use as a verb, not the two different locations).
Aye, 'schools' is a generally negative term, or at least that's what my sentiment classifier thinks. I can't really think of a replacement off the top of my head, though - 'educates'?
That's why I was wondering. I've never seen it in orange before (I was researching acoustic foam before for use at home) and it just seemed like an odd thing to do if it had an actual use other than looking good.
That being said, I suppose one could always dye it - that might work.
The article was a bit short so is there anything to be understood about YC from the photo where Jessica and Trevor are sitting up in the front and Paul is standing way in the back?