We did know that we can recover backups because we did it for small parts of data, and we know that we can do disaster recovery because (a) we did test this, though very rarely; and (b) we had successfully recovered from actual full-scale disasters twice over ~7 years.
But successful, efficient disaster recovery plan doesn't always mean "no damage" - it often means damage mitigation; i.e., we can fix this with available resources while meeting our legal obligations so that our customers don't suffer; not that there aren't consequences at all - valid data recovery plans ensure that data recovery really is possible and details how it happens, but that recovery can be expensive. And while you can plan, document, train and test activities like "those 100 people will do X; and those 10 sales reps will call the involved customers and give them $X credit", you really don't want to put the plan into action without a damn good reason.
For example, a recovery plan for a bunch of disasters that are likely to cut all data lines from a remote branch to HQ involves documenting, printing & verifying a large pile of deal documents of the day, having them shipped physically and handled by a designated unit in the HQ. The process has been tested both as a practice and in real historical events.
However, if you "pull a wire in the closet" and cause this to happen just so, then you've just 'gifted' a lot of people a full night of emergency overtime work, and deserve a kick in the face.
All I can say is that you're very lucky to have a working system (and probably a company to work for), and I'm very lucky not to work where you do. Seriously, your "test" of a full disaster recovery was an actual disaster! More than one!
And frankly, if your response to the idea of implementing dynamic failure testing is that someone doing that should be "kicked in the face" (seriously, wtf? even the image is just evil), then shame on you. That's just way beyond "mistaken engineering practice" and well on the way to "Kafkaesque caricature of a bad IT department". Yikes.
Admittedly: you have existing constraints that make moving in the right direction expensive and painful. But rather than admit that you have a fragile system that you can't afford to engineer properly you flame on the internet against people who, quite frankly, do know how to do this properly. Stop.
I'd like not to stop, but continue exploring the viewpoints. And I'd like you and others to try and consider also less-tech solutions to tech problems if they meet the needs instead of automatically assuming that we made stupid decisions.
For example, any reasonable factory also has a disaster recovery process to handle equipment damage/downtime - some redundant gear, backup power, inventory of spare parts, guaranteed SLA's for shipping replacement, etc; But still, someone intentionally throwing a wrench in the machine isn't "dynamic failure testing" but sabotage that will result in anger from coworkers who'll have to fix this. Should their system be called "improperly engineered"?
We had great engineers implementing failover for a few 'hot' systems, but after much analysis we knowingly chose not to do it 'your way' for most of them since it wasn't actually the best choice.
I agree, in 99% of companies talked about in HN your way is undoubtedly better, and in tech startups it should be the default option. But there, much of the business process was people & phone & signed legalese, unlike any "software-first" businesses; and the tech part usually didn't do anything better than the employees could do themselves, but it simply was faster/cheaper/automated. So we chose functional manual recoveries instead of technical duplications. And you have to anyway - if your HQ burns down, who cares if your IT systems still work if your employees don't have planned backup office space to do their tasks? IT stuff was only about half of the whole disaster recovery problems.
In effect, all the time we had an available "redundant failover system" that was manual instead of digital. It wasn't fragile (it didn't break, ever - as I said, we tried), fully functional (customers wouldn't notice) but very expensive to run - every hour of running the 'redundant system' meant hundreds of man-hours of overtime-pay and hundreds of unhappy employees.
So, in such cases, you do scheduled disaster-testing and budget the costs of these disruptions as neccessary tests - but if someone intentionally hurts his coworkers by creating random unauthorised disruptions, then it's not welcome.
The big disadvantage for this actually is not the data recovery or systems engineering, but the fact that it hurts the development culture. I left there because in such place you can't "move fast and break things", but everyone tends to ensure that every deployment really, really doesn't break anything. So we got there very good system stability, but all the testing / QA usually required at least 1-2 months for any finished feature to go live - which fits their business goals (stability & cost efficiency rather than shiny features) but demotivates developers.
But successful, efficient disaster recovery plan doesn't always mean "no damage" - it often means damage mitigation; i.e., we can fix this with available resources while meeting our legal obligations so that our customers don't suffer; not that there aren't consequences at all - valid data recovery plans ensure that data recovery really is possible and details how it happens, but that recovery can be expensive. And while you can plan, document, train and test activities like "those 100 people will do X; and those 10 sales reps will call the involved customers and give them $X credit", you really don't want to put the plan into action without a damn good reason.
For example, a recovery plan for a bunch of disasters that are likely to cut all data lines from a remote branch to HQ involves documenting, printing & verifying a large pile of deal documents of the day, having them shipped physically and handled by a designated unit in the HQ. The process has been tested both as a practice and in real historical events.
However, if you "pull a wire in the closet" and cause this to happen just so, then you've just 'gifted' a lot of people a full night of emergency overtime work, and deserve a kick in the face.