The true perversion is that all the screen shots have the Solution Explorer docked to the righthand side of the window. It's hard to describe how fundamentally wrong that feels.
And the beauty of Visual Studio's interface is that it is completely customizable. If you want the Solution Explorer on the left side, all you have to do is click the top of the window, and drag it over to where you want it; it'll snap right into place.
You know, I've been thinking about this lately. I've noticed my eyes 'travel' quite a bit more with the explorer on the right. You normally scan text starting on the left, so whenever you change files you end up bouncing across the screen quite a bit. Perhaps I'll move it over today and see how it feels.
I agree with you, however I like to have my main solution explorer on the left with second solution explorer scoped to my Models or another project I am actively working with within the solution docked on the right.
I wonder if they kept the default layout to keep it as simple and "out of the box" as they can in order not to confuse newcomers to the Visual Studio way of doing things.
meh , VS devs get used to that , like the horrible theme colors in the latest VS. I said good for microsoft if they offer developers choice. And it means opensource is kinda winning. But i'm waiting for the day Windows is POSIX to go back to that os , windows is too crappy for Open-source devs even with ming installed...
I'd say it's broken beyond repair. They're doing a nice job in some way or another getting the best out of their ecosystem. But ever since I've stopped developing for Windows a few years ago, I never had the slightest urge to go back. Why should I? Even if they make it POSIX compatible, for me there is no reason to go back to windows for personal use.