Can you find one brand using a generic and relevant to the category name dominate a category? Branding is not just a go with your gut is a science that analyzes all the Kleenex, xerox, and googles of the world, the categories that are owned by brands and figures out what works...
Generic brands like apple and amazon are not relevant generic terms to their category so it can be associated in the mind with that category.
(I'm getting downvoted because presumably people don't realize Facebook was a common generic term used for the book universities gave to students with photos, etc. of other student to encourage socialization at the start of the year)
No, it's because because "facebook" has never been used as a common noun to describe social networks - as in, "I'll go log onto the facebook," referring to MySpace or LiveJournal or something. This conversation is about businesses which are named after the field they are in. (The equivalent is if Facebook were named "Social Network.")
Also, I doubt most people have really heard of the concept of a physical facebook. From my understanding, it's limited to Harvard and maybe other schools around there.
They completely dominated the space that the traditional facebook was in though, that's what they started out as. Obviously they've grown to encompass a much wider space since then. is no more generic than American Airlines or Deutsche Bank, or Sky, or Claro.
There's a huge number of brands that use the [nation] [generic term] format, including many major international banks, airlines, and utility companies many of which totally dominate their domestic market and/or are significant internationally
Even if you're looking at the world's biggest brands and companies, then IBM, GE, GM, FedEx, NBC, BBC and even the likes of Microsoft and Coca-Cola are clearly abbreviations of very generic terms. A significant proportion of the rest are simply people's names. For all the "science" and lack thereof that goes into brand investments, generic names tend to last and "cute" names often turn out to be short-lived gimmicks
None of those brands own a category!!! You can make money with any name if you put enough money behind it...branding is about owning a category in peoples minds to the point of them saying, "pass me a Kleenex, or just Google it, or make a xerox."
I'm sorry, but I remain utterly convinced that Coca Cola and Microsoft will come closer to ever owning a category than "that Amazon clone with the funny Japanese name they devote large amounts of homepage real estate to explaining", FedEx is definitely a verb, and the others all appear in "top brands" lists compiled by the people who make a fortune in branding.
And the brand becomes verb thing happens almost accidentally which is why, no matter how much Microsoft's branding team wants us to, nobody ever asks their friends to "just Bing it", whereas everyone "Xeroxes" stuff despite the xerography company in question actively spending to discourage the genericization of its trademark., and 1-800-CONTACTS come to mind.,, and may be close. Some like obviously didn't work out.
Update: and are also good examples.
See my comment below... branding is about owning a can still make money with a generic name but it will never replace the category name.
I don't care about your comment below, in the one that I replied to you asked, "Can you find one brand using a generic and relevant to the category name dominate a category". I could and I did.
all three of these brands are brandable. I don't think you understand the objective of branding if you think no true scotsman applies here.
Branding is the battle for peoples perceptions, and follows the rules of how our minds perceive things. Your mind is not capable of assigning meaning to a generic term. You can know what they do, but you cant associate it with a category.
"American Airlines" does not mean an American Airline in anybody's mind. Just as doesn't mean anything other than a website that might have something to do with the word buy.
Generic domains have all sorts of other value, and you can make lots of money without a good brand. But... Branding is about one thing only... Associating your name as the "Go-To" folks in a category. That association is simply not possible with a generic name.
I have no idea what those brands stand for...I don't associate them with anything other than something probably related to the word... when I think I need a hotel I don't think go to I think go to price line or kayak.
branding is much more than just being associated with a category. It is about how people perceive your brand. I cannot tell you anything about those brands other than they do something related to that category...
Here is a good contrast, "I associate Southwest Airlines with Cheap, No Frills Flights." I don't know anything about those brands... the name doesn't tell me anything about WHY I SHOULD BUY FROM THEM.
Given that Kleenex is just "Clean-X" and Xerox is just "Xero(graphy)-X" (they were known as Haloid before commercializing xerography and rebranding), those two names are actually just an "X" away from being generic.