I have to be careful about tendonitis flare ups in my wrist from my musician days. That makes languages like Java and C# literally more painful than languages like ruby that require less typing.
Why is control-space so difficult? Christ, Eclipse auto completes so much you can just bounce on control-space all day. "m" ctrl-space "sysout" ctrl-space... It's so easy.
I do lots of typing, day and night, and have had near-crippling pain. I did two things that seriously helped.
First, I mapped keys at the OS level that reduced awkward movements, the most obvious of which is changing the caps lock to control.
The other major thing is acquiring a kinesis keyboard. After several weeks of using it, the pain gradually subsided, and now I have none.
The other thing i did in conjunction with this keyboard was to remap some of the keys unusually, like putting the escape key close to where my thumb could hit it.
There should be enough keyboard choices and key control to make the choice of language on criteria other than wrist or finger pain.
One of the worst pain points of C# for me was that the open source community is practically non-existant. So many wheels end up being reinvented because nobody has bothered to share their wheel, and Microsoft hasn't released their wheel yet.