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This is amazingly(!) ham-fisted on the part of NBC. everyblock.com was pretty vibrant from what I could tell. And being forced to shutter overnight is about as unprofessional as it gets (again, I understand this as, without a doubt, some NBC exec throwing a temper tantrum and not realizing the value of their own assets when hitting the nuke button).

I saw a lot of connecting going on there, in a way that is much more valuable than other social websites in that people could use it as a way to promote and share local/in the flesh resources and information and it brought a lot of value to the people who used it. That there was no warning, no way for people to reach out to others they'd like to stay in touch with after the shutdown is reckless decision making. Just a full-on, ridiculous implosion. Social capital is a real thing, and it's too bad that NBC does not consider that in their ledger.

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