Hi there, as mentioned in the post it only collected data on the top 25 startup hubs as identified by the Startup Genome Project (ok, and Amsterdam). Edinburgh is not on that list, so I didn't check for it. I did now: in total it's 3 since january 2012.
Note: not sure why, but the data does seem off from time to time. Manual Command-F for San Francisco for this month's hiring finds 26, while data.scan(htmlpage) finds 28...
There's definitely been more than three jobs listed for Edinburgh in January 2012. I'm in Edinburgh and was looking for work most of last year, so I was paying attention at the time!
Note: not sure why, but the data does seem off from time to time. Manual Command-F for San Francisco for this month's hiring finds 26, while data.scan(htmlpage) finds 28...