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> Racism/sexism/whatever... a wrong is a wrong.

Sure. Sexual discrimination is bad, no matter who is being discriminated against.

It's about false equivalencies. You might want to see the last part of my comment here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5178799

> My example was an interaction between two people, two individuals, and now you're talking about "discussing social groups".

Two people aren't a group?

> Racism and sexism is caused by considering people as "groups" and not individuals, and your solution is to... do more of the same.

You might actually really like Latour, who's a sociologist who argues that his entire field is wrong because of too much abstraction. I've been reading 'Reassembling the Social' lately, and it's fascinating.

That said, I actually disagree that the cause is 'thinking of people as groups,' but you of course are entitled to your opinion.

> All you are doing is entrenching division.

I'm not sure how advocating that we have more women in computer science is 'entrenching division.'

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