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Being from Europe but living in the US this is pretty much how I see it too. It's a "controversy" in the US because of the mess the political system is in, and because there's such a strong religious movement which funds and propagates any attacks on science that bubble up to the surface.

If there were a scientific consensus that an asteroid was flying at us and with all likelihood, in a decade or two, would wipe out all life on the planet - the only solution being all governments working together and raising huge amounts of $$ to head off disaster - the same faces would crop up attacking the science, and reminding us that if God wanted us to die he'd have sent a plague of locusts.

I thought that the conservative christian base was being manipulated through religion, by the likes of the Koch brothers...

Maybe I underestimate the power of obscurantism.

So as far as I can tell, in the time I've been here, there are a bunch of cynical leaders of the religious right. They get their funding and push whatever agenda is asked of them from folks like that.

But also you have the desperate need by the institutions themselves to denigrate science in order to stop it clashing with fundamentalist interpretations of their religious texts. For example, more belief in science might lead to people accepting that Evolution is science and Creationism is nonsense.

Climate change allows both the cynical moneyed political interests whose wealth relies on resource extraction (which is a hugely politically corrupt industry), and the religiously inspired underminers (made up word alert) of science to have common cause. That's a powerful political force. If you could find a way to rope in the NRA you'd have the trifecta.

Maybe run a report saying "Climate Scientists want to take away your guns"?

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