This post, if you read it to the end, doesn't reject the principle of being liberal in what you accept. Rather, it proposes being liberal in a formally specified an interoperable way - i.e. specs should explicitly define behavior for all inputs, including any error correction.
HTML5 takes this path with its parsing algorithm, and in fact is cited as an example in the post. However, the designers of the parsing algorithm saw it as being an application of Postel's Principle, rather than an example of the opposite.
The post is really more nuanced than it sounds and would better be titled "Specifications Should Define How to be Liberal in What You Accept".
HTML5 takes this path with its parsing algorithm, and in fact is cited as an example in the post. However, the designers of the parsing algorithm saw it as being an application of Postel's Principle, rather than an example of the opposite.
The post is really more nuanced than it sounds and would better be titled "Specifications Should Define How to be Liberal in What You Accept".