I've been thinking for a while, actually, that terminal emulation isn't something I want today.
It might still be appropriate to have some terminal/shell distinction, but emulating an old text-only terminal imposes UI issues. For instance, my shell sometimes prints "you have new mail" to tell me about it. But my computer already has a notification system built-in - I don't need random text strings in my work area. I think the ideas in this mockup are at least moving in the right direction, which is using all of the capabilities of the computer.
It might still be appropriate to have some terminal/shell distinction, but emulating an old text-only terminal imposes UI issues. For instance, my shell sometimes prints "you have new mail" to tell me about it. But my computer already has a notification system built-in - I don't need random text strings in my work area. I think the ideas in this mockup are at least moving in the right direction, which is using all of the capabilities of the computer.