This entire forum exists for the purpose of sharing fact and opinion alike. If you don't want people to share opinions (or is it just the ones that don't align with your world view?), fine, but you don't need to be an ass about it.
Although part of me wonders if this is a joke, given the parallels to the situation at hand. Primarily, you clearly don't think all comments should be made public and felt the need to unhelpfully criticize mine. If so, well-played.
Whether that makes the world worse is highly subjective. I don't believe things are objectively any more valuable just because they're public.
I have, however, seen a lot of bad patterns and code snippets copied and work their way into many codebases because one of the easiest ways to learn is to copy another source. I have seen people completely disown or neglect projects because it's "public", so what more do you want? I don't buy that these sorts of repositories are doing the world a favor and they increase the level of noise, helping drown out the good stuff.
But, hey, like I said if you add a pretty reasonable disclaimer to your README so the expectations are at least framed properly, I can get on board with that.
Although part of me wonders if this is a joke, given the parallels to the situation at hand. Primarily, you clearly don't think all comments should be made public and felt the need to unhelpfully criticize mine. If so, well-played.