I've seen two grandfathers of mine on which absurd medical care was given: one was seriously ill and maintained as a living mummy for months (he did look as bad as people who were rescued from extermination camp at the end of WWII) and another who, while in coma, had a leg cut off although everyone knew he wouldn't wake up. Who the heck wants to wake up with only one leg when one know you'll die in the next few hours / days of terrible cancers that spread throughout the whole body?
It's precisely what this article is talking about because it's really what's going on.
People dying in an environment they're not familiar with, experienced things they never experienced during their whole life: broken ribs due to overzealous CPR, one leg cut off, tubes everywhere.
I've had a girlfriend who was a doctor and the sheer number of crazy situation like this she was describing were insane.
Believe me: this is very real and you probably don't want the statistics.
Because the probability that you will notice, the day your day has come, that you're missing one leg while feeling your ribs being broken is very far from zero.