Really? So, if I'm doing wildly uncertain research in AI which I hope shall eventually (in 5 years) lead to a Unix killer... Applying before having actual technology to show for it wouldn't be too early?
If you're working on something that can't be launched immediately, then what you build during YC is a proof of concept. You just have to be able to make something good enough to convince the next round of investors to back you. That's the threshold.
The details of your plan worry me though. How much money do companies make from Unixes now?
You just have to be able to make something good enough to convince the next round of investors to back you.
That's the problem. I've been working on it for a while already, and it's unlikely that 3 more months would yield a convincing prototype. I'd still have to sell the idea and myself.
How much money do companies make from Unixes now?
I'm not sure I get what you mean. If someone came up with an OS that was much more powerful than Unix, I'm sure there'd be some people interested, and it'd be possible to snowball from there.