Alas, people who suggest fighting terrorism with Anything other than terrorism do not have the slightest understanding of terrorism. You can try and be the bigger man, but please just understand that you will not stop anyone. If this wasn't true, we would not have armies in just about every country on earth, because, well, you need tanks to fight someone with guns, and guns to fight someone with knives. A government that requires you to have a minimum of $1.5 million to start to defend your liberty is anything other than a democracy.
Sadly, my friends, the way in which we want to fight this condition is not through firing (1) person, or signing petitions. That will only allow people to talk about it for a little while until Lil Wayne drops another album, then it is off to other news.
They have proved to us they can use "their" laws to force a young man into taking his own Life. While the answer is not to take another life, it is to hit them where they can feel it without hurting them physically.
Sadly, my friends, the way in which we want to fight this condition is not through firing (1) person, or signing petitions. That will only allow people to talk about it for a little while until Lil Wayne drops another album, then it is off to other news.
They have proved to us they can use "their" laws to force a young man into taking his own Life. While the answer is not to take another life, it is to hit them where they can feel it without hurting them physically.
I suggest Anonymous.