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Ask HN: Are there good books about computers that aren't textbooks?
2 points by jh3 on Jan 12, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
If someone without a computer [science] background was interested in learning more about computers, what they can do, programming, etc., but did not want to read a textbook, what books would be good to recommend?

The book Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing doesn't read like a textbook to me, and it's quite interesting.


The New Turing Omnibus


is also good, as is Code by Charles Petzold.


AFTER EDIT: While I thought about the first three books I mentioned, I thought of another, Write Great Code, Volume 1: Understanding the Machine by Randall Hyde.


I've see Code in B&N but never did more than quickly skim through it. And I've never heard of the other two. Thanks!

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