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Obama Team Finds It Hard to Adapt Its Web Savvy to Government (washingtonpost.com)
17 points by raju on March 2, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This says something very interesting about bureaucracy when the supposed "most powerful man in the world" is having such difficulty sending an email.

I really hope that they not only fix the problems here, but fix the problems that caused the problems in the first place.

I will always hand it to Obama, his team understands the Internet. I do find it funny however that people think because Obama is great at the Internet that the whole Democratic party is good at the Internet.

We are working on a new web app that deals with politics. And in the last few weeks I have been to every member of the congress and senates websites. And I can say without question, they are all equally pathetic at using the Internet. It is just because Obama is the only mainstream (minus Ron Paul who isn't quite mainstream) politician that gets the Internet that people think democrats are so much better at it.

I cannot believe they have to archive every change. My understanding of FOIA was that interim and draft documents did not have to be retained. Maybe that was just for Illinois FOIA.

True, but wouldn't something like a version control system + magic scripts solve the issue ?

It's disappointing Obama's Twitter account hasn't been updated since inauguration.

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