Aw, man. I used to hate this guy when I worked on the title authority team. The programmatic titles alone often caused the title matchers to infer that all the books were somehow related, and cluster them all together. Oh, the happy hours spent unpicking the resulting mess. The Wikipedia guy was the worst in terms of sheer pointlessness though. Personally I'd delete the lot of them. Hard to think that your job is worthwhile when it consists of cleaning up after other people's crappy perl scripts...
Why does Amazon allow it? It's somewhere between outright fraud, and DOSing or Amazon's search functionality; It's clearly something that constitutes abuse.
Similarly, if I were to fund a human team of title-writers to create plausible original titles for a hundred original titles per hour, and fill the actual pages with random words from the OED... Advertising that as a book on a particular topic would likely be some type of fraud. The result is not far from what I've seen of this guy's work.
This extends into lots of areas on the marketplace. I spend a bit of time looking at some of the listings our products have been matched to by UPC and working out just which product the listing is trying to sell. Often the title/ image/ description can be describing different products.