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Researchers uncover Tor-powered Skynet botnet (net-security.org)
63 points by pjonesdotca on Dec 13, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Isn't this blogspam? The original source is https://community.rapid7.com/community/infosec/blog/2012/12/...

What? Using tor to run botnets is nothing new[1]

Edit: Apparently it's the same guy...[2]

[1] http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/sq7cy/iama_a_malware_c...

[2] http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/tor-powered-botnet-linked-...

This is why it's helpful to read the link before commenting. This fact is mentioned in the very first sentence of the article.

Edit: The article wasn't changed. The first sentence was there in the original the whole time. The commenter just didn't read the article well enough.

Skynet is the name of a military (leased by them, anyway) satellite communications network used (amongst other things, I believe) to remotely control drones around the world. A naming choice that shows its owners, whilst being engaged in a deadly serious business, aren't completely without a sense of humour...

Most folks associate it with the movie series Terminator.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skynet_%28Terminator%29 : Skynet is a fictional, self-aware artificial intelligence system which features centrally in the Terminator franchise and serves as the franchise's main antagonist ... with its ultimate goal the extinction of the human race ... Skynet was [originally] a computer system developed for the U.S. military by the defense firm Cyberdyne Systems.

EDIT: whoosh

That's where the "sense of humor" comment comes in.

Don't forget Cyberdyne Robotics! http://www.cyberdyne.jp/english/

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