This is a neat use of dynamic/reflection. But why is it "saner"? What's wrong with wrapping the normal process I/O stuff and just doing: cmd("git clone") ?
This is the same question I have when I see dynamic typing used to access data sources. Like reading a CSV file and doing 'row.Field1' instead of 'row["Field1"]'.
Is there really any benefit or point, other than being a cute hack?
Yes, it started out as a hack. I wanted to see how close I can get to the Python implementation. I am not envisioning it to be used, but would be happy if someone found it useful :)
This is the same question I have when I see dynamic typing used to access data sources. Like reading a CSV file and doing 'row.Field1' instead of 'row["Field1"]'.
Is there really any benefit or point, other than being a cute hack?