Hi everyone, I'm an amateur hacker and aspiring startup founder living and working in the Boston area. I've been lurking at HN for about a year now and I really enjoy reading everyone's comments/discussions, etc. I've started getting into programming and such over the past year or so, learning mainly Python/Django, along with a bit of PHP and Lisp (Scheme) (I'm slowly working through SICP in my free time), so I'm always learning a thing or two from the discussions here!
I've recently decided to take the big jump and leave my corporate job soon to work on some ideas. The main one I've been working on for the past year is related to the music industry, but I'm still working on a few others concurrently.
Since I'll have more "free" time on my hands in about a month, I would like to spend some of it meeting and interacting with some cool people. I was wondering if anyone knows of some good places in/around Boston to meet fellow hackers/startup founders? I didn't go to school around here, so I'm kind of out of the loop (but would love to get back in it!) but I figured since some of you live here or are familiar with the area, you might know of some places to check out. I'm looking more toward informal environments (as opposed to pitch meetings, VC events, and the like, since I don't have an actual product built yet), though I'd give most events a shot anyway. Also, I'm always looking to meet new people and try new things so if anyone would like to get together in person or otherwise to talk tech, startups, music, or basically anything else, definitely feel free to contact me (e-mail in profile).
BarCampBoston4 (April 25th & 26th): Geek unconference - http://www.barcampboston.org/
Information Superhighway(monthly): Geek party - http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1502742/ / http://twitter.com/infosuperhiway
Refresh Boston(monthly?): New media designers / developers - http://refreshboston.org/
For everything else, check out http://marksguide.com/