It's almost as if Mozilla has been an open source project forever, and people who are contributing to open source projects in their spare time for free don't just do whatever you tell them to do.
And what's that supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that Google is using it's leverage over Mozilla to get them to not compete with Google's browser? That sounds sort of incredible to me, given that Chrome isn't a profit center for Google.
I'm not sure if Google used leverage or some kind of weirding way but Mozilla foundation's activities since 2008 or so tie in nicely with Google's priorities.
According to the Wikipedia page on Mozilla, Google gives Mozilla money considerably beyond search royalties ($5M in 2006 for example).
Every Chrome user is presumably someone using Google for search whom Google doesn't need to pay. (I doubt that makes Chrome profitable though.) I think Chrome and Android only make sense as defensive measures against Microsoft/Mozilla and Apple respectively.
And Google pays Mozilla for prime placement because Firefox has users(even Bing would). No users = no money.
So, this is not your typical volunteer FOSS project when you're pulling in upwards of 100 million dollars a year and the standard rebuttal to people asking for bug fixes and features does not apply.
Reminds me of the mouseover text bug that Randall Munroe was requesting to get fixed for Xkcd and was met with hostility. Did they expect him to fork Firefox to make his Firefox readers see the text? It took them 7 or 8 years to roll the fix into Firefox.