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quite arrogant to assume that you know what it takes to build an OS

With all of the (largely web/app-centric) development work that I have done, there are numerous concepts in OS development that baffle me. I don't claim to know what it takes to build an OS, but I know that it is beyond me.

Also, I wasn't questioning his skill as a programmer, I was questioning the undertaking that he is discussing. Any solo developer would struggle to create an OS (especially when they have a full time job to contend with), let alone someone that is going to have to learn a lot along the way. So my suggestion was to go ahead, but treat it as a learning experience rather than a deliverable product.

Everyone that ever created an OS from scratch had to learn first. The only question is how long it will take, but there is no reason to say "you will fail".

treat it as a learning experience rather than a deliverable product.

But what is the purpose of mentioning this?

If you are recommending that he go ahead with the endeavour, then what does it matter if he ends up with a deliverable product or not.

Also, these kind of projects can have a timeframe of years, regardless of programming skill. If he finishes it, it will be a result of him sticking to it in the long run, not a result of how much C knowledge he had on the first day of the project.

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