1) Pick just one project that you see yourself actually finishing. What's the one project that you're most passionate about? (It would be good if this wouldn't take more than 2-3 months.)
2) When you have some time, rather than jump straight into the project, plan the steps that you'd need to complete the project out first. Make these tasks fine-grained, preferably keep the time required to complete each task under 10-30 minutes each. Organize them by subsection too, if you'd like.
The point of this is to (1) make it easy to jump into project anytime you have 10-30 minutes, and (2) to ensure that you always know what to do next.
3) Make a commitment to check off at least one task a week / work for 15-30 minutes a week on your project.
3) Whenever you have some time, work through the list.
As you get more into it, you can increase your weekly commitments.
Give it a try. You can finish your tasks, you just have to be committed to do so. Be disciplined, and promise yourself that you won't jump to another project until you have finished the one you're currently working on.
1) Pick just one project that you see yourself actually finishing. What's the one project that you're most passionate about? (It would be good if this wouldn't take more than 2-3 months.)
2) When you have some time, rather than jump straight into the project, plan the steps that you'd need to complete the project out first. Make these tasks fine-grained, preferably keep the time required to complete each task under 10-30 minutes each. Organize them by subsection too, if you'd like.
The point of this is to (1) make it easy to jump into project anytime you have 10-30 minutes, and (2) to ensure that you always know what to do next.
3) Make a commitment to check off at least one task a week / work for 15-30 minutes a week on your project.
3) Whenever you have some time, work through the list.
As you get more into it, you can increase your weekly commitments.
Give it a try. You can finish your tasks, you just have to be committed to do so. Be disciplined, and promise yourself that you won't jump to another project until you have finished the one you're currently working on.