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The Gphone is coming; how Google could rewrite the rules (last100.com)
3 points by luccastera on Aug 30, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think you can tell how successful product X is by the amount of "X killer" stories you run across with the "rewrite the rules" or "change the industry" type of hype. Google, make your phone. Microsoft, make your zune, your origami. Creative, make your $5 mp3 player. These people posting these link bait headlines and all this "could be 2008", "could have x" stuff, please.

I'd like to see a gphone. I'd like to see google release their operating system. Both products are periphery to their core competency of search it would give us a good chance to see how malleable they are.

But goodness am I tired of these speculative journalists.

OK, I'm truly sorry for posting this rant.

I am as tired as speculative journalists as you are, specially around the Gphone and this is why I posted this.

Out of all the link-bait articles about the gphone, I thought this one had a good analysis and that the mock designs of the phone were interesting.

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