No, the problem space being "scalability of component interactions, generality of interfaces, independent deployment of components, and intermediary components".
This merely happens to overlap significantly with the requirements of public APIs.
I have difficulty imagining your distance calculator needing any of those things, though.
>No, the problem space being "scalability of component interactions, ...
>I have difficulty imagining your distance calculator needing any of those things, though.
Right, because no one's stupid enough to use (or stick to the use of) REST for a distance calculator or any other algorithmically generated information. But make no mistake, scalability of component interaction is an issue, just a solved one (for those that see REST for what it is).
The solution is: specify an input scheme (for a hand calculator: put the first number, then plus, then the second number, then equals) and let the user choose the inputs. This saves you from the (intercomponent-unscalable) combinatorial explosion in which you have to give the user a link to every possible computation as they navigate the interface, and which is the REST method.
So, any exposed function in which you can't feasibly blast every possible input set over the network is REST-incompatible, so I guess the serious RESTers don't think you should do it. Which kinda makes it little more than a footnote.
I'm pretty sure Google's home page doesn't include every possible search term for you to select from, and that's a perfectly RESTful example of an exposed function (search). Forms are a very powerful hypermedia construct.
In the context of a website, maybe you can have a helper like that to avoid the REST bloat. But the architecture is for arbitrary APIs, existing outside of web pages, in which I don't have a neatly visible form. All I'm allowed to do is give the user URIs to choose from.
Some kinds of apps (esp those that can't tolerate the overhead of REST, like for mobile) need to know how to format a Google search request without navigating through a session on Google site, but just knowing what it should look like, and formatting it that way. REST would restrict you to pointing them to and following links; it prohibits you from saying, "hey, you can have your app just point to, then '?q=', then your search terms connected by +'s".
Part of the debate is what problems REST is suited to solve. While most evangelists will never come out and say, "you should use X for everything," they will try to fit it into whatever situation it will "reasonably" fit into, which is probably a bigger domain than the problems it's "best" for.
"REST provides a set of architectural constraints that, when applied as a whole, emphasizes scalability of component interactions, generality of interfaces, independent deployment of components, and intermediary components to reduce interaction latency, enforce security, and encapsulate legacy systems."
The existence of these properties should be fairly evident when you examine the constraints.
I think large part of the confusion comes from not recognizing the difference between "Any system can be built in a RESTful style" (this is true) and "Every system should be built in a RESTful style" (this is a straw man).
That tagline may explain the benefits of REST, but it doesn't really explain at all which problems REST is well-suited for and which not.
I've found that REST design is great for problems where the most visible abstraction is a document or an object (with operations or functions as secondary). It doesn't really fit problems where the most common abstraction is a function call (with the arguments a secondary concern).
We're talking about two totally different kinds of problems.
You're talking about wire formats and structures that feel natural to use for particular kinds of calculations. I'm talking about recognizing properties that we might need a particular system to have (ease of use being only one of them), and ensuring them.
The line I quoted tells us exactly which problems (in the sense that I'm talking about) REST is suited for: the ones where those benefits are needed (and where the tradeoffs aren't to costly).