Moore's law: Transistor count doubles every 18 months. Assuming 40 years at the company (it's a bit less) that's: 2^(40/1.5) = 67,108,864
The 62 Core Xeon Phi has 5 billion transistors. Divided by that number is: 149. That's a bit low. The Intel 8080 that came out in 1974 (when he joined the company) had 4,500 transistors. Looks like Moore's law has been slowing down a bit in recent years. Probably due to the focus on reduced energy usage.
EDIT: It works out if you replace "18 months" by "24 months". Revised value: 2^(38/2) = 524288. Impressive still.
The 62 Core Xeon Phi has 5 billion transistors. Divided by that number is: 149. That's a bit low. The Intel 8080 that came out in 1974 (when he joined the company) had 4,500 transistors. Looks like Moore's law has been slowing down a bit in recent years. Probably due to the focus on reduced energy usage.
EDIT: It works out if you replace "18 months" by "24 months". Revised value: 2^(38/2) = 524288. Impressive still.