I interpreted the opposite; that (s)he is opposed to anything that makes fuel prices cheaper. This is the viewpoint that I personally hold. I would like fuel prices to go up and match the rest of the world as that would create a huge push towards much more efficient transportation technologies.
Of course it isn't that black and white as prices of commodities would increase, possibly decrease sales, etc, but it is an interesting thought that has been in the back of my mind.
Let me make my point more clearly. If CO2 emissions are such a huge threat to the world then it makes the most sense to push for fracking in the short term because switching to natural gas over kerosene/gasoline and especially over coal reduces carbon emissions substantially. If a hybrid compact car makes sense from an environmental standpoint then shifting hydrocarbon usage to natural gas makes as much if not more sense.
"Let me make my point more clearly" - yes please do because your first attempt was gawd awful...
Part of the reason I would rather not invest in fracking (aside from the immediate environmental issues) is that if we want to end up at clean and sustainable energy then why make expensive investments into intermediate technologies that don't significantly impact the underlying problem. While it would reduce emissions that doesn't make it a good choice. If we gave someone 4/5s of a vote instead of 3/5s of a vote that would still leave a lot of people in our country pretty ticked.
The post you were responding to is saying they want to pay more for our energy because that is the only way people will understand that it needs to be used (and obviously produced) wisely. Fracking and natural gas allow for us to use more energy at cheaper rates albeit a bit cleaner. Bottom line, the poster above wants to pay more for energy and encourage people to use less/produce cleaner.
"... if we want to end up at clean and sustainable energy then why make expensive investments into intermediate technologies that don't significantly impact the underlying problem."
So we shouldn't develop hybrid cars either? Or wind power? Or biofuels?
If you want to get from A to B you can't just teleport there, you need to travel the distance between, and that typically involves lots of incremental and partial advancements and often also many compromises.