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How a single person can make a huge difference to your startup in 24 hours (tray.io)
74 points by domlewis1 on Nov 9, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Thank you for linking to main site from blog logo. Finally a startup that gets it!

Really, that was my first thought. Before reading any article I usually want to know who is writing so I first look for a link. I hate when people link to the blog home. Ah... First World Problems


I thought it was going to be about how single people can work for 24 hours straight while all the married ones have to go home at 5.

That's really awesome congrats! I introduced a new startup to HackerNews today also, http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4762979

but we didn't do nearly as well as you. We made it up to #9 on the front page for a little while and hovered around the first page for about 6 hours with an average of about 40 concurrent visitors and a total of ~1,000 unique visitors

We got some great feedback from the HN community though. Getting up to #1 and staying there seems to be a whole other world.

Hey - congrats, that is awesome (really like your landing page!). We've found the power of the community to be astounding, offers for help / feedback has been invaluable.

Nice one!! Haven't used the service yet, still waiting for an invite, please hurry!!!

A very refreshing landing page. Simple design that explains what you do. Looking forward to you coming out of beta.

Thank you very much, have you signed up to the private beta? We'd love some feedback if so - please feel free to email me rich (at) tray.io

The HN Effect :-D

I <3 Tray

Amen! <3

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