Wow, that's going beyond the extra mile. I'm pretty far from NYC but if I were closer I'd give you guys a hand. In lieu of that, any possibility of a "Trello Hurricane fund" which we can donate to? Would give appreciative users like me a chance to help pitch in for a team and product which has already helped so much. Maybe it'll amount to just enough for lunch or something, but I for one would feel much better knowing that I contributed a little...
I think there are many, many better places to donate than a profitable company who had to do a little hard labor because they didn't have a second datacenter like everyone suggests.
The point is, as a developer myself I feel their pain, sometimes shit just hits the fan. As a user, not only is their service amazing, it is integral in running my little startup. I'm not saying monetary compensation is the only way to say thank you, but I think it would be nice if others like me got to say thank you in a slightly more substantial way, for the guys going the beyond the extra mile. There are services that I pay for which were down and they didn't even bother. More like buying a friend who helps you move some lunch.
I'm all for donating to red cross and other charitable organizations, but that doesn't mean you can't show anyone else appreciation just because there are others with needs in the world. Give to both, hopefully more to the charitable organizations and a little less for token gifts.