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Kickstarter's new team page (kickstarter.com)
111 points by mecredis on Oct 26, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 75 comments


(Seriously though, amazing work on the video implementation. I already thought the panorama idea was executed nicely, and then the people started moving. Big kudos here.)

Pretty much makes it impossible to add or remove people from the Team.

The video's chopped in shorter segments so as long as they fire 3-5 people at the same time, they are good.

Sucks to be in the segment with the office layabout

Are you a developer? I find it funny that the first thing you think about is maintainability of the page. :-)

Sixth person from the right seems to be talking alone. Maybe the person he is talking to got fired and was edited out of the video? :)

It crashed my browser :( Firefox 16.0.1 on Ubuntu. My CPU went up to 100%, and stayed there for a minute until I just killed the process.

+1. Sent my Firefox 16.0.2 browser into hyperspace on Ubuntu.

Is there a way to just kill an offending tab? Pages like this take over my old-ish hardware so completely that trying to close a tab in the normal way is impossible. It is a design flaw for Firefox to allow any webpage to have this much power. Maybe a setting that forbids any page from consuming more than X% CPU for t time without explicit permission? Killing the whole FF process is far from ideal. I'd be willing to switch browsers if another better handled this issue?

Same here. 16.0.1 Windows 7. CPU didn't max out but it was high and the browser was unusable. I managed to close the tab but the CPU was still high and browser was unresponsive. I had to kill the process.

BSOD'd my machine... Chrome Win 7

crashed my nvidia driver, chrome win 8 (win 7 bootcamp drivers)



I've filed a bug regarding this : https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=806311 Feel free to add your system information on that bug or describe what you faced or any other constructive input possible there. You can also CC yourself to follow along the progress.

Btw I tried this in the latest Firefox nightly and it seems that the nightly doesn't crash although the CPU usage does go up to 50%, so it seems that this bug has been fixed and will be released in the upcoming stable releases.

Crashed my browser, FF 16.0.1, too. Or rather ate 200% cpu and locked browser, which I then had to kill.

dear dude in the middle wearing the echo nest t-shirt -- WHO ARE YOU, we'll send you a later edition

(offtopic): I can attest that the current echonest t-shirts are the best startup shirts I've ever seen. Wear mine with some frequency.

Who's door do I have to beat down to get one?

yeah, the new john allison ones put the old logo ones to shame, i hate to see the old style still in the wild.

I just noticed the dude in the white v-neck thingy -- WHO ARE YOU and what are you doing with your hands?!

if you really wanna get in touch with him hit me up j at okfoc.us

CPU went up 100% :) and internet radio stopped working :))) had to close it. Complete overkill, but very creative overkill! :)

A passionate workplace full of young, attractive people. I'm sad to say that I've nearly forgotten such a place could exist.

pretty cool. A bunch of video tags like below: <video id="video_1" width="770" height="600" poster="https://ksr-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/team_still_1_alt.jpg onended="this.play()" loop="loop" tabindex="0"> <source type="video/mp4" src="https://ksr-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/team_vid_1_alt_2.mp4>...; <source type="video/webm" src="https://ksr-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/team_vid_1_alt_2.webm...; You need an HTML5 capable browser to view this video. </video>

Really excited for this to be commonplace and flash to disappear.

don't worry, PG will make sure Flash still gets some use, along with table tags -- http://www.startupschool.org/2012/zuckerberg/

And a center tag too :)

to me, this nicely portrays the difference between sv and ny.

In what way? And is that even a good or a bad difference?

I'm pretty sure both areas are filled with well-dressed 20-somethings capable of sitting still for extended periods of time.

For one thing, San Francisco has a lot more mustaches.

You have clearly not spent enough time in Williamsburg. Or you've spent just the right amount of time. Delete as appropriate.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you genuinely buy the self-aggrandizing hipster bullshit that is so common in both cities.

It's kind of cool and not slowing down too much my machine and what's best: they did not include sound !

Seriously I hate sound playing in my web browser, specially when it's ads :/

hipster.. overload..

What style of dress do you expect for people in their 20's dressing casually? This is such a silly label that it's almost not worth arguing over, but I fail to see what expectation has failed for you here.

I am currently visiting/working in NYC and staying on the Lower East Side. Seriously, everyone here dresses like that--this hipster thing goes way deeper than I could have imagined...

I 'm kinda hoping they were being ironic

What about that is hipstery? That's how people dress here in NYC.

my exact thoughts. literally every single person is a hipster.

All I see is just a bunch of people in their 20s/30s...

Young person who dresses in a non-boring way = hipster, apparently.

You have to give the trend a name so you can refer to it after it becomes boring itself.

I think it’s just called fashion.

That hipster bullshit is getting tired. The stereotypes are stupid and it all comes down to berating people for what they wear – for whatever stupid reason. Why would that ever be cool?

All I see is lots of young people who know how to dress fashionable.

The trend has been named for at least a decade.

Oh, I see what you did there.

The point is that the word "hipster" has been in continuous use to describe alternative youth culture since the Beats.


As wikipedia explains, the term has been used to describe the culture of 2 distinct decades, not the decades in between

Where does Wikipedia say that it wasn't used in the intervening decades? That's not true. Look at the ngram link I supplied – it clearly was in use. What do you think it meant?

Surprised by the lack of Asian and Black males. I thought they would have a more diverse team.

edit: totally forgot about the East Indians.

I'd be genuinely interested in knowing of which teams do have that kind of diversity.

Off the top of my head, the only one that comes to mind is Inkling [1].

1: https://www.inkling.com/careers/

Gojee also based in NYC is another, but they took down their team page for some reason, mostly Asian and Whites. My buddy's startup up Skim.me is another, but they are mostly Asian with a White CTO. I'm not trying to gather a posse against kickstarer, I just thought their would be more non-whites with the geography and focus in tech.

I'm really impressed with how smooth this is. No slowdowns on my 2009 MBP running Firefox 18.0a2 (Aurora).

How do I find out who they all are?

They may not want to give names of everyone because it makes poaching employees by headhunters easier.

All the names are provided in text at the bottom of the page.

Ah, thanks. I was building on OP's comment. My browser crashed from the page so I couldn't check on my own.

Thats me with the Rubik's cube -- I also submitted the link to HN, and FWIW I don't consider myself a hipster.

I have a slight crush on the lady behind you :p. Also, saw this Rubiks cube collection the other day - maybe you'd enjoy! http://imgur.com/a/mbKKS

They also have a very impressive Jobs page http://www.kickstarter.com/jobs, the last one in the list labeled "It's fun!" has a couple of cool things when you hover over the links.

Firefox uses 150% CPU and freezes in Ubuntu 12.04, had to kill the process :(

It looks like their page could still use some work.


Two things: 1) Cool concept! (would feel more natural with sound). 2) Wow, I've been living in Asia for about two years and didn't realize facial hair was trendy now! Or is that a NY thing only?

Great job. Everybody looks very happy.

How long is the video playing before it loops ?

If you look closely you can see it reverse. So I think it's in an infinite loop.

Yeah, just reversing back and forth is the poor man's version of cinematographs.


I feel they could've done this better. Still an impeccable jobs. The best team page I've seen so far.

In Chrome, right click -> Show Controls.

Just in case anyone missed it – you should be able to pan the image horizontally to see more people. (For some reason, this didn't work for me the first time I loaded the page.)

I don't know what it was, but my browser didn't like it.

Curious at who got to assign which props were held by whom - playing with the giant Nutella jar probably being the most coveted of all assignments.

Their jobs page is a blast to play with too: http://www.kickstarter.com/jobs

(roll over the links :])

New Yorkers: too fidgety to sit still for a picture.

So I'll see you guys all out at Barcade later then right?

Didn't work in Firefox, Safari, or Chrome on OSX 10.6.8.

It works for me in all of those.


Nice try but too many errors in the implementation; the asian girl with red shoes gets her elbow deformed by pixel repetition; also the going forwards and then backwards by every video block makes everyone look creepy, also there is a long pause to restart and the beginning/end does not match (this could be more of a Chrome issue).

It would have been better to use a "Fade In/Out" effect for lopping or move through the frames based on the absolute position of the mouse (or any other nice effect that doesn't require the videos to loop).

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