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I pull every now and then from git://repo.or.cz/emacs.git, and build my own with --with-ns. I was using CarbonEmacs, but multi-tty support is amazing. I have my main Emacs frames running, and if I need to pop into a quick session in a terminal, or SSHd in from another machine, it Just Works.

(Except the theme I'm using has very light colored comments, and I can't see them in 8 color terminal. Anyone have a suggestion for a 256 color terminal app?)

I don't use Mac copy-paste, etc, even though I was a Mac user long before I was an Emacs user. Using C-y and M-y reminds me of the kill ring everytime, where using C-v wouldn't. I do have the clipboard synced to the top of the kill ring though...not sure if that was a default.

I use Command as Meta, and have Caps Lock for Control system-wide.

> (Except the theme I'm using has very light colored comments, and I can't see them in 8 color terminal. Anyone have a suggestion for a 256 color terminal app?)

We had this discussion just recently: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=443769

BTW, why do you pull from git://repo.or.cz/emacs.git

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