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> nobody makes the argument that it's impossible to do a markup-order-independent, three-column layout in CSS

The first post I quoted did exactly that. The OP argued that if you changed the order of a 3-column layout, it 'destroys' the presentation. Both my first and amended examples proved this wrong.

I work in web development. I specialise in PHP but I do front-end work on a day to day basis. I too struggle with the frustrations that half-arsed browsers such as IE present. Please do not assume that because I chose the side of CSS on this occasion to demonstrate its capabilities, that I do not 'get' what the css vs. table / developing for IE arguments are about.

> The first post I quoted did exactly that.

Not exactly; he took a "canonical" example of such a layout from an authority on the matter and showed that even with such an idealized example from such an ideal source, changing the order of the content breaks the output.

Also, your counterexample uses different CSS for the "in order" and "out of order" proofs-of-concept, which defeats the purpose - the point is that the CSS needs to stay exactly the same with the presentation not changing upon changes in markup order.

> Please do not assume that because I chose the side of CSS on this occasion to demonstrate its capabilities, that I do not 'get' what the css vs. table / developing for IE arguments are about.

I never said you didn't get it. I said you didn't address the relevant argument in your article. Your article is correct and well thought-out, but it doesn't address the argument that is dividing the HN community, pitting brother against brother.

> Also, your counterexample uses different CSS for the "in order" and "out of order" proofs-of-concept, which defeats the purpose - the point is that the CSS needs to stay exactly the same with the presentation not changing upon changes in markup order.

I already addressed that; see the new URLs in a comment above.

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