You are probably technically correct, but missing the point of the parent comment. The point is that this thread seems to see developers as the little guy getting screwed by circumstances & The Powerful while from a different (more "average") perspective these are relatively well off people that earned very well complaining that they didn't do outrageously well.
It's good to keep in mind that the world doesn't owe you much. Where you are would be a massive victory for many. Where you started is where many work their whole lives to get closer to. Perspective plays trick on us. We think where we are is normal, slightly above us is where we ought to be.
It's good to keep in mind that the world doesn't owe you much. Where you are would be a massive victory for many. Where you started is where many work their whole lives to get closer to. Perspective plays trick on us. We think where we are is normal, slightly above us is where we ought to be.